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This tag is for questions about the meaning of a word or a phrase in a specific context, which a dictionary cannot answer. Please give as much context as possible.

4 votes

What is "d---d" in "I’m d—d if I don’t fill you"

I answered this same question on ELU, and I think the answer is applicable here too (semi-paraphrased). The word here is “damned”. The OED, in an entry that seems to have been written in 1894 and not …
Laurel's user avatar
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2 votes

What does "when it is at work, has much force" mean?

The cool thing about the Bible is there are so many different translations. You can use a site like this one to see several different versions of the same verse at once. The New American Standard Bib …
Laurel's user avatar
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1 vote

What is the mean of "gender dividend"?

Do you know what a dividend is? It's the money (or stocks with a stock dividend) that a company periodically gives to its investors, the shareholders. The the longevity and gender dividends are simil …
Laurel's user avatar
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1 vote

The lot is cast into the lap - Lot equals dice?

You’re not going to find this definition in normal dictionaries because the word is not really used that way anymore. This is one of the definitions for lot in the OED: Any of a set of objects, su …
Laurel's user avatar
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2 votes

"Shoot it" in meaning of "say it"- could it be?

The relevant definition is in the dictionary you linked to (and others I’ve checked). You’re just not saying it exactly right; it’s just “shoot”: exclamation UK /ʃuːt/ US /ʃuːt/ informal used …
Laurel's user avatar
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3 votes

"I'm not taking a Knut under twenty." meaning

It's an inclusive range, not an exclusive one. "A Knut under twenty" means 20 Galleons minus a Knut. Thus it means that he will not accept 19.99 Galleons (I forget how much a Knut comes to exactly, bu …
Laurel's user avatar
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0 votes

Meaning of "more important"

The relevant definition of important is: (of a person) having high rank or status. This could be a boss (as it is in Cambridge's example), a politician, or a celebrity, for example.
Laurel's user avatar
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19 votes

On the meaning of 'anyways' in "What Exactly Is a Quartz Crystal, Anyways?"

It’s this OED definition (under anyway): Used for emphasis at the end of a question; ‘may I ask?’, ‘would you say?’ Also sometimes used to indicate firmer intent to direct the conversation, or to …
Laurel's user avatar
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1 vote

a very chill kid

The article clarifies the choice of wording with what follows: “doesn’t cry much unless he’s hungry”. Chill in this context means the baby is usually calm and not upset. Compare these related slang …
Laurel's user avatar
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1 vote

What definition is adjusted to the word 'commit' in this context?

The phrase "commit to page" means write down (or record). The expression "commit to paper" is a more common way of saying this and it's specifically defined in Collins.
Laurel's user avatar
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67 votes

What does "go blue" mean here?

"Go Blue" is similar to "Go Wildcats", where the second word refers to a school or sports team. In this particular case, blue is one of the colors of the University of Michigan, which is where Criss …
Laurel's user avatar
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1 vote

Soft G might be as in

It sounds idiomatic to me. Compare with the phrasing in Collins: The first sound is as in English syrup, where y is a vowel with the same sound as [i] The expression "as in" is used to make a clarif …
Laurel's user avatar
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0 votes

I need help understanding some somewhat vague sentences

The first bolded part means you're looking for a number. For example, 2 if you're analyzing the non-contiguous US (Alaska & Hawaii). Remember, you're looking to analyze a part of the country with this …
Laurel's user avatar
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3 votes

Why did they use "iron ore exports" instead of "iron ore export"

Export has several meanings. If you were referring to the product iron ore, you would use export (singular, because it's one type of product). However, your graph uses this definition: Sales of …
Laurel's user avatar
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2 votes

What does "reproved" mean in this context?

In this translation of the Bible, it means she was reprimanded: Thus she was reproved, or admonished to be more circumspect for the future BibleHub: Matthew Poole's Commentary It's important …
Laurel's user avatar
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