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This tag is for questions seeking a word that fits a meaning. Please demonstrate why you expect the word to exist in English. For example you could tell us a word that means the same in another language. Please use a bilingual dictionary and include the result of your research. Please include a sample sentence demonstrating how the word would be used. If you actually seek a phrase, or don't care, see the "phrase-request" tag.

3 votes

Rabbit and hare (Wabbit)

Unless we are quoting Elmer Fudd, we would not call a rabbit a "wabbit". Elmer Fudd A person with a speech impediment might mispronounce their letter 'r's and some people in certain parts of England …
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4 votes

What's the opposite of 'profanity'?

propriety Google Dictionary pro·pri·e·ty p(r)əˈprīədē/ noun the state or quality of conforming to conventionally accepted standards of behavior or morals. "he always behaved with the …
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4 votes

Hover in the meaning "to remain suspended under"

I think you could say, "The drone hovered below/under the roof line." The definition says nothing about over or under -- it means 'suspended'. Hover -- Google Dictionary verb remain i …
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1 vote

A word or a phrase to describe a person who distort your message and pass it to another person

In Canada where I grew up we called them malicious gossipers. This meant (to us) that even a kernel of truth was distorted by the person. Other words we'd have used would be rat bastard or nasty bitc …
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4 votes

Sweet words to use instead of wife

As a wife, I'd say "NO!" However, why not ask your wife what terms of endearment she prefers? My hubby (there's one for a wife to use) calls me pet names in private (not sharing them with you) and Sw …
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7 votes

Things you have (eat or drink) while drinking alcohol

In the U.S. (and Canada), appetizers, referring to anything served before a meal, is the most common term for hors d'oeuvres. Light snacks served outside of the context of a meal are called hors d'oeu …
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0 votes

What adjective to use to refer to the number of people who inhabit an apartment?

The three of us are having a dinner party at our apartment. "Three-person" might be correct, but I would not expect to hear this as an expression in normal conversation. "Three-person IVF" is the on …
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1 vote

Indicate, specify or describe?

Please indicate/specify/describe/a better one? the subject briefly. However, I would not use that on a form. I'd use: Subject field must be filled in. Please fill in the subject before sendi …
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2 votes

studies hard or hard studies

Everyone admires her because she studies hard. This means she works hard at studying whatever it is she studies. This is likely exactly what you mean to say. She is a hard worker. Everyone ad …
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11 votes

Someone who can't abide a joke against themselves

Thin skinned Google Dictionary synonyms: sensitive, oversensitive, hypersensitive, easily offended, easily hurt, touchy, defensive "you can't benefit from constructive criticism if you' …
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2 votes

Most of the new graduates ........ to do master degree

Nowadays, most of the new graduates ........ to do master degree for better prospects in their later lives. Might be better as: Nowadays, most of the new graduates ....(choose).... to do a Mast …
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2 votes

What's the difference between "Some time", "Sometime" and "Sometimes"

Some time When some time is two words, it refers to a length of time. Usually/it mostly means “a long time.” For some time, humans have known that the earth revolves around the sun. Sometime: …
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3 votes

Difference between "remove" and "delete"

I could delete you or remove you from my contacts, but delete is generally used for technology and remove is used for other things. You cannot delete a student protester from the rally. You can have …
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Difference between "dealer" and "concessionaire"

definitions from Google dictionary concessionaire noun the holder of a concession or grant, especially for the use of land or commercial premises. This definition is correct but doesn't h …
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1 vote

A comparison between "aptitude", "wisdom" and "understanding"

“aptitude”, “wisdom” and “understanding” all quoted material is from Google Dictionary (you simply type the word + definition into Google search: example: wisdom definition) ap·ti·tude noun …
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