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89 votes

The meaning of "half woman, half girl"

The text has nothing to do with whether she has a spouse or boyfriend. She's referring to back to a past time when she was a youth, which is a noun meaning "a young person between adolescence and ...
Canadian Yankee's user avatar
72 votes

Meaning of "Sue me"

Actually "sue me" means exactly what your dictionary says. It's kind of "fighting words" that imply the speaker does not apologize for his actions, and the only option the other guy has is to take ...
Andrew's user avatar
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69 votes

What is the Kool-aid reference?

"Drinking the Kool-Aid" refers to the mass suicide of the "People's Temple" cult at Jonestown, Guyana in 1979. Hundreds of members of the cult are incorrectly believed to have killed themselves by ...
SarahT's user avatar
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68 votes

What is the meaning of "Dog ate my car"?

So, I heard about Dog ate my homework, but I have never heard about that excuse. That's the joke exactly. "The dog ate my homework" is an implausible excuse. Everyone knows that it's ...
hobbs's user avatar
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65 votes

"Add-in salt to injury"?

The test's answer “add-in salt to injury” is a mishearing and combination of two idioms: “add insult to injury,” (to mock, ridicule, or worsen something that is already bad) and “rub salt in a wound” ...
Mari-Lou A's user avatar
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65 votes

If something seems too good to be true, it probably is (not?)

I understand your reasoning, but the correct expansion of If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. is If something seems too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true.
James's user avatar
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64 votes

"Not funny 'ha-ha'", what does Siri mean?

The two meanings of 'funny' when spoken by humans are traditionally summarised as "funny ha ha" - makes you laugh - and "funny peculiar" - as in "the milk tastes funny. You'd better not drink it".
JeremyC's user avatar
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62 votes

What does "call BS" mean in the sentence "We call BS"?

The expression is used to call out (= to draw attention of others upon) a lie or a negligent or deceitful mistake. As you have found already, BS stands for bullshit, a profanity that basically means "...
Zachiel's user avatar
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59 votes

Why are nice picture/gif/video about foo called "foo-porn"?

A definition of porn could be gratuitous images/moving images of naked people and sex acts intended to excite and arouse. The use of foo-porn implies the use of this definition, but replacing "naked ...
SteveES's user avatar
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56 votes

Assigned to a job I know nothing about it - is there an idiom for that idea?

A common metaphor for this is to say you've been "thrown in the deep end", referring to the (supposed) practice of teaching someone to swim by throwing them into a swimming pool at the deep end, where ...
StoneyB on hiatus's user avatar
56 votes

Idiom for "not doing something that makes oneself look more awkward" in an already awkward situation?

The saying "Stop digging yourself into a hole" (or in this case "We should stop digging ourselves into a hole") seems to fit. It refers to someone who is already in a bad or ...
randomhead's user avatar
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53 votes

Explanation for a joke about a three-legged dog that walks into a bar

The meaning of "paw" is an animal's foot, it sounds like "pa" (an informal word for dad/father). In cowboy movies, back in the 1940s-50s, there was always the good guy and the bad guy. The bad guy ...
Mari-Lou A's user avatar
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51 votes

Does this make sense to a native speaker? "despite the real Jones is living in a cave!"

Most of the people just wanna keep up with the Joneses, despite the real Jones is living in a cave! This sentence is understandable to native speakers, but there is a grammar error. You may have ...
randomhead's user avatar
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49 votes

"Not funny 'ha-ha'", what does Siri mean?

In context, Siri is saying that you've made a joke but (s)he's not amused by it, in the same general way that a human would respond if you called them by the name of a similar-looking person. It's ...
Jim Driscoll's user avatar
49 votes

What does "some type of sheep meat" mean

It is a joke "Lambda cubes" sounds like "lamb cubes" and lamb is the meat of a young sheep. So "Lamb cubes" would be sheep meat cut into blocks.
James K's user avatar
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47 votes

What does "call BS" mean in the sentence "We call BS"?

To call is to declare a decision or judgment, especially in a game or contest, but in any context where the participants are expected to abide by certain rules. For example The referee called the ...
TimR's user avatar
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47 votes

What does "don't have a baby" imply or mean in this sentence?

I am not familiar with this phrase, so I can't say it's common. It might be an improvisation by the author. Judging from the context, it seems like it means something like "don't get upset", as Lou's ...
Em.'s user avatar
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46 votes

What does "Rabbit hole" mean?

Rabbit hole commonly refers to either an actual rabbit burrow where rabbits live, or, as an idiomatic phrase used in your Ted-Ed example, the hole Alice went down following the white rabbit in Alice ...
RichF's user avatar
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46 votes

Idiom for a student being purposely overly verbose only to make an essay look longer

I would describe the process as inflating or padding my essay. I might call the extra words and phrases I add fluff.
swmcdonnell's user avatar
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44 votes

Saying for "Bomb proof"

As pointed out in comments, Anglophones use bullet proof as well as bomb proof. Also note that regardless of whether the usage is literal or metaphoric, we usually write the more common bulletproof as ...
FumbleFingers's user avatar
43 votes

Is "says you" grammatically correct?

It does not conform to standard grammar, but is fairly common in speech. Treat it as an idiom. It only works with "says", not other verbs.
Colin Fine's user avatar
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42 votes

Why "having something UP one's sleeve," not "having something IN one's sleeve"?

Your arm is in your sleeve, but you put your arm in from the top of the sleeve and that's what the sleeve is for. But the idiom uses the preposition "up," because something up your sleeve ...
Mama Bear to 4's user avatar
41 votes

Are idioms not recommended in a formal situation?

The guidance in the text is, in my view, oversimplified to the point of being incorrect. Many idioms and fixed phrases are typically used in informal situations. For example "take a load off your ...
David Siegel's user avatar
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41 votes

How to interpret 'a friend in need is a friend indeed'?

The Collins Dictionary definition you linked is the one to use here: People in need do not have enough of essential things such as money, food, or good health. The phrase makes more sense if you ...
Werrf's user avatar
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40 votes

You can contact me on/over/by Skype

Technically you can use quite a variety of prepositions with the word Skype. For instance on, in, over, by, with, through, and via. But most people prefer "on Skype" as it is similar to "on the phone"...
SovereignSun's user avatar
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39 votes

What does it mean "to talk over someone"?

When a person is the object of the preposition over, "talking over" is a type of interruption. The policeman was saying something, and the other person started talking before the policeman had ...
Hellion's user avatar
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39 votes

What's the meaning of "be broker than the Ten Commandments"?

This is an ungrammatical idiom that is also (deliberately) confusing meanings. Broker, in this case, is a construction that is intended to mean more broke, which could be said to be meaningless, as ...
Jeff Zeitlin's user avatar
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38 votes

Meaning of "Sue me"

Much of the humour of the English language is based in absurdity - we make statements that are extreme to show how absurd a situation is. "So sue me!" falls into this category, in my opinion at ...
mike's user avatar
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38 votes

What does "expensive dinosaur" means?

It's not a set phrase, just a figurative use of the word "dinosaur". Calling someone or something a dinosaur means that their style or methods are old and out-of-date, and do not have a ...
Nuclear Hoagie's user avatar
37 votes

Why do we pluralize "congratulations" when we say it?

There is something called a plurale tantum, which is a noun that only ever appears in the plural form. Some examples are scissors trousers shears riches remains shenanigans You can't have "a ...
stangdon's user avatar
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