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4 votes

What does "the fit of the video" mean?

"Fit" is modern slang for "outfit" = set of clothes (or perhaps piece of clothing). It's very modern, Tiktok slang, and probably entered English in the last three or four years.
James K's user avatar
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What does a personal shopper mean when asking "fixed income"?

"Are you on a fixed income?" or "Am I right in assuming that you are living on a fixed income?" She patronisingly assumes that the lady has a set amount of money paid to her every ...
Kate Bunting's user avatar
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3 votes

What does "by" mean in "the school had no one by his name on its roll"?

This is a slight rewording of the phrase by the name of, which you can see some examples for at Cambridge Dictionary: A guy by the name of Jamie Smith was the production designer on it. She turned ...
distracted's user avatar
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What does a personal shopper mean when asking "fixed income"?

OP's query:. In this clip from Desperate Housewives, why did Gabrielle Solis ask the lady "Fixed income"? What does she really mean? The line is spoken by Gabrielle Solis, who has taken a ...
James Mathai's user avatar
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1 vote

What does "pass on" mean here?

The passage talks about intelligence, tests to measure it, and passed on. It is hence likely that the last one takes the sense of inherited as shown in the comments. This definition under section ...
Seowjooheng Singapore's user avatar
1 vote

What does "the fit of the video" mean?

OP asked: What does "the fit of the video" mean? It figuratively means: "Pay attention to the T-shirt I’m wearing." At the end of each video (biblical discussion), Dan McClellan ...
James Mathai's user avatar
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What does "all-singing, all-dancing crap" mean?

OP's query: What does "all-singing, all-dancing crap" mean? Does it mean Super crap? The phrase "all-singing, all-dancing crap" is an oxymoron used by the author of the novel ...
James Mathai's user avatar
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Is there any sarcasm present in Tyler Durden's question?

In "Fight Club", Tyler Durden often uses sarcasm and irony to challenge societal norms and add humor. Raymond's vague response, "Stuff," when asked about his studies, suggests a ...
James Mathai's user avatar
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What does "it" in "to handle it" refer to?

As OP described : In "Fight Club" (1999), after Marla's overdose, the scene changes to Tyler preparing food in his house. The Narrator's line, "He was obviously able to handle it," ...
James Mathai's user avatar
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Does this line indicates consumerism?

OP asked whether "some guy's name on my underwear" indicates consumerism. OP's interpretation is spot-on. The starting line of the dialogue, "We're consumers," sets the stage for ...
James Mathai's user avatar
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In "she stood aside to let them enter", does it mean that "she was **standing** aside to let them enter"

OP's query: In "she stood aside to let them enter," does it mean that "she was standing aside to let them enter"? Answer:. No, "stood aside" indicates movement. It ...
James Mathai's user avatar
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security guard VS security officer VS security official

Job titles ought to mean something and convey an idea of what a person does, but they are by no means standardised, and the differences between the roles in your question in one organisation might be ...
Astralbee's user avatar
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In "she stood aside to let them enter", does it mean that "she was **standing** aside to let them enter"

A person who is standing [somehow or somewhere] is always upright. The 'specified position' in the Oxford definition refers to where the person stands, e.g. aside [from where they were before], by the ...
Michael Harvey's user avatar
1 vote

Understanding difference between "intense" and "intensive"

What helps me, as a native English speaker, to understand the differences between these two words is to think of "intense" as "strong," and to think of "intensive" as &...
Lisa Beck's user avatar
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a good man to repair your computer

OP asked what this means: Tom is a good man to repair your computer. If my computer needs repairs and someone advises this, I would interpret it as: Tom has the expertise that makes him a good ...
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