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3 votes

Can some sentences be independently written without finite verb?

No. This is never correct except for brief informal utterances like "Too late!". The sentence doesn't work. It should read "The Filipino government never officially recognised or gave ...
Kate Bunting's user avatar
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Is this example from cambridge dictionary wrong or written poorly?

There’re no mistakes. She quickly ate her dinner and ran out. The verbs in more than one verb are not referring to the ate and ran. They refer to, for example, had eaten and would eat in cases ...
Seowjooheng Singapore's user avatar
2 votes

Can some sentences be independently written without finite verb?

This sentence is wrong in many ways. "... never GAVE official recognition TO the head ..." or more simply "... never officially recognised the head ..." would fix it grammatically, ...
timchessish's user avatar
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Clarification on example from ESL textbook

Language is very often ambiguous. It's common for words to have multiple meanings. With your example sentence, it might mean it's printed by smearing ink onto an animal, picking up the animal, and ...
Sam's user avatar
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1 vote

Can I use "we're on the way" to talk about "we're here to tell you something"?

we're on the way to talk we're coming to tell you and offer you something Here you are informing the other party about your current whereabouts and the things you will be discussing when you reach ...
Seowjooheng Singapore's user avatar

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