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DoneWithThis.'s user avatar
DoneWithThis.'s user avatar
DoneWithThis.'s user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • London, United Kingdom
81 votes

What's the meaning of "Can it, will you?"

44 votes

Many a girl... have or has?

43 votes

What's the meaning of "You get that much because that’s how much you get"?

43 votes

Why can’t I say “I hung a picture on the wall on the chair”?

32 votes

Can "it's down to him to fix the machine" and "it's up to him to fix the machine"?

29 votes

There is to such thing

27 votes

Been to America three times/for three times

27 votes

Does "I slept in" imply I did it on purpose or by accident?

25 votes

how to write an offer like this one?

24 votes

What do you call an action that is less serious than a "crime" (that is not illegal, just against rules)?

24 votes

When to use "Meter" vs "Metre"?

24 votes

Asking about future life or job

23 votes

What do 'er and patch 'er up mean?

22 votes

Can we use the verb "milk" with humans, for example, "The mom milked her breast / herself by machine"?

21 votes

What's the name of this binding type where the pages of a book are bound at different locations?

20 votes

What is the " - " character on my keyboard?

20 votes

How to understand "cares an insane amount"?

18 votes

"Gorillas have often been portrayed as a fearful animal"

16 votes

Should a full stop punctuation be used in Abbreviations?

16 votes

Faces vs sides of dice

15 votes

What is the difference between text alignment, text justification, and quadding?

15 votes

What do you call a reply or comment that shows great quick wit?

15 votes

Why is the tag question positive in this dialogue from Downton Abbey? "Then we must be ready by tomorrow, must we?"

14 votes

What is "relaxed coating of dust" in this paragraph?

14 votes

What is difference between "loosen" and "unscrew" for lid/cap?

13 votes

The meaning of "As if on cue"

13 votes

What did Paul McCartney mean by "Oh, yesterday came suddenly"?

12 votes

threw me in a cage like an animal

11 votes

What do you call "voice-overs" that represent what the character in the ad thinks?

10 votes

Does "Aren't you a silly girl!" mean "You aren't a silly girl!"?

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