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Levente's user avatar
Levente's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
13 votes

Why there is a laugh in a TV series scene for this sentence: Apparently the pH balance in the pool is perfect

3 votes

Spoon Feeding is it negative or positive

2 votes

Can traffic lights "turn red" for ten minutes?

2 votes

What does "side by side" mean in "...painting side by side."?

2 votes

Does anyone interpret "too ... to ..." literally?

2 votes

Usage of the word "deployment" in a software development context

2 votes

What does "it" refers to in this context?

1 vote

from which she had failed to return home

1 vote

Meaning of "How you get any work done is beyond me"

1 vote

"this way" or "that way"

1 vote

difference between "was predicted" and "has been prediced"

1 vote

Can I say "do some recreation"?

1 vote

It didn't have to be that good but it was/ it is?

1 vote

"You have high IQ" VS "You have a high IQ"

1 vote

Am I supposed to love teacher or respect?

1 vote

What does "real dull" refer to?

1 vote

increase/decrease the upper/lower bound of something

1 vote

Is the word "actually" redundant in the context?

1 vote

How do I ask for the buzzer code when I move to a new apartment

1 vote

Trying to understand metaphorical meaning of 'intrusive'

1 vote

What does the word 'broke' mean in "country Is 'Broke' With state subsidies...."

1 vote

I learn English every day or I study?

1 vote

Do opaque glass make sense?

0 votes

what's the difference between "my mind fastened on" vs "I (was) fastened on"

0 votes

Is there a phrase/word meaning "visit a place for a short period of time"?

0 votes

What <has><had> he done? vs What did he do?

0 votes

How should I understand this usage of "for"

-1 votes

hold the lion's share of something

-1 votes

Is "before" used for longer time than "earlier"?