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Korvin's user avatar
Korvin's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
  • Hungary
4 votes

When is it ok to use "seeing"?

3 votes

"one of those men who doesn't" vs. "one of those men who don't"

3 votes

Positive, comparative, superlative and... is there a fourth?

2 votes

Possessives with names and objects

2 votes

At around or at round

2 votes

Is "Say what is you try" correct?

2 votes

Cannot vs May not be cured?

2 votes

How to spell correctly, "hand-written" or "handwritten"?

1 vote

What is the meaning of Jack words?

1 vote

Do these two sentences have the same meaning? A boy is in green T-shirt and A boy is wearing a T-shirt which is green colour

1 vote

What is the meaning of FBI Agent Carlos' words?

1 vote

Does "your typical day" include the evening too?

1 vote

What does 'fifteen' mean in 'fifteen of the seventy-five-thousand-pound prize money'?

1 vote

Are commas necessary before and/or after a possessive appositive?

1 vote

I don't understand punctuation inside quotes

1 vote

Is 'namecalling' a word or a two word phrase?

1 vote

"The question is what are my chances are to do smth." VS "The question is what my chances to do smth." Which is correct?

1 vote

What is the meaning of 'screen' in this context?

1 vote

confusion past tense and present tense

1 vote

Definition for "seeded bread"

1 vote

Leave class vs leave the class

1 vote

Although Vs Despite

0 votes

Difference between ten minute walk and ten minutes' walk,

0 votes

Is it better to use past simple in that case

0 votes

Is "Billie said he is hungry" a correct alternative to "Billie said I'm hungry"?

0 votes

Why the word "include" is used?

0 votes

Which future form do we use in 'I am [to buy] that flat'?

-1 votes

One's own, Oneself and himself

-4 votes

Is there a difference between "should not have done something" and "needn't have done something"?