Jewish exegesis of the New Testament is my main interest, in which is see many indications that the Torah of the Old Testament is not done away with, but transmitted to the heart of the believer by the Holy Spirit received by faith (Jer. 31:33). The letter of the law is made new, or re-newed by the Holy Spirit, and is no longer must be a bringer of a curse, but contrariwise blessing because in it is truth that confirms His Spirit, helping us to discern between spirit and soul, etc. Believing into Jesus means becoming one with him, keeping his sayings, walking as he walked in the Spirit. If we are fully believing into him, this means keeping the Torah he taught, and continues to teach by the Spirit of God.
The truth of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament confirm the Spirit of God, and it is in Spirit and truth that he seeks to be worshipped, according to John 3. One without the other, Spirit without truth, truth without Spirit, is like a train on one track, and can become unbalanced due to our clay-like frame.