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user81561's user avatar
user81561's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
14 votes

How do I say “±” in English?

10 votes

Does "this is the first time I have eaten sushi" mean I have finished eating or I'm still eating sushis?

7 votes

Is it correct to say "Be m a number...", instead of "Let m be a number..." in math and elsewhere?

5 votes

She's going to tell the truth as she saw/understood it

5 votes

What does 'bit of a draw' mean?

4 votes

What's the actual difference between "fire" and "flame"?

4 votes

Contraction for negative short answers

4 votes

What't correct meaning of this "Trust me" according to the context?

4 votes

I was like flying in the sky (be like doing)

4 votes

"I was set" versus "I was sat"

4 votes

Can someone explain the formal grammar behind this phrase: "glad shall he be"?

3 votes

Difference between in and for in perfect tense with duration

3 votes

How to understand "an endless loop of eggs and beans and eggs and toast and beans and toast and eggs"?

3 votes

Differentiate "it is said" from "it has been said"

3 votes

Any difference between "as to" and "about"?

2 votes

Correctness of “Give me back my keys!”

2 votes

"Not to say" usage

2 votes

is 'we shall wage' in the following sentence a relative clause?

2 votes

Meaning of "so that the weight of destiny no longer bore on the current problems of my life"

2 votes

To be V-ed vs to v-ed

2 votes

What does this sentence mean: "He had his hand in her hair, and his gun in her face"

2 votes

'what would make you think that' vs 'what make you think that'

2 votes

Are "in end position" and "at the end" interchangeable both in writing and speaking?

2 votes

What is the difference between "a" and "the" in these sentences

2 votes

What did you do that day? (two months ago in the middle of the process)

2 votes


2 votes

Bored waiting or bored of waiting?

2 votes

A simple question on when to use "these" and when "those" while writing

2 votes

Can 'slips' be used here?

2 votes

"I am cooking", "I have to cook", "I am going to cook", and "I will cook"

2 3 4 5