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Borgh's user avatar
Borgh's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Netherlands
62 votes

"[A] voice that bored a thousand ships into sinking themselves"

17 votes

You're three for three

14 votes

Is it wrong/illogical to say ... twisted open the door?"

9 votes

Meaning of "do not fit easily on the multiplex conveyor belt"

6 votes

What does "Right little ray of sunshine" mean?

5 votes

The figure of speech 'It's your party ' meaning

5 votes

Are demonyms colloquial? If so, should we use them in writing?

4 votes

Females are not required to wear headgear with the "mess" and evening "mess" uniforms, or

4 votes

Why would they call a petri dish of germs "preschool"?

3 votes

Could I spell 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 as one billion billion?

3 votes

What does "client pitch" mean?

2 votes

Is "weed out" informal?

2 votes

What do the author means by "the prescribed tourist manner"?

2 votes

One word substitution for 'A woman who shows tantrums to attract men's attention"

2 votes

Is the word "you" used as generic "you" here?

1 vote

Could anyone explain the use of "would" in this sentence

1 vote

Pronunciation of English phonemes together to clearly say a word

1 vote

What's the meaning of thinking they not?

1 vote

Which one, "big" or "scary lady", does the speaker want to stress in the below sentence?

1 vote

"they were lost" meaning in this context

1 vote

"Bop the fizz" - what's the meaning?

1 vote

Beatles song. "Love me do" as "Love me too"

1 vote

Could someone please give some scenarios for the usage of "despite my money"?

1 vote

does "are often too important to be neglected by wiser portion of mankind" means that the wiser portion don't disregard them?

1 vote

-gate meaning scandal

1 vote

Meaning of the phrase tossed upon life's billow

1 vote

Is the genderless mentioning of the person as "them" is correct?

1 vote

"an exciting checkmate of Ron's" meaning

1 vote

The further you move away VS The further away you move

1 vote

One can only be so unsensible, you know. -> explain please?