I just got this correction after submitting a writing piece:
Although this task alone would normally require a much more in-depth discussion, it may be enough to say here that supervisors should identify the areas in which they must self-assess, should gather information on whether they have taken action to improve in a particular area, and should evaluate the results or outcomes associated with their actions.
Originally, I only had the first "should." Should there be one appearance of "should" in the sentence or three?
Further down the line, she changes the following:
Supervisors need to determine whether all of the critical development areas were covered, the number and nature of the actions that were taken, and if overall efforts produced the expected results.
Supervisors need to determine whether all of the critical development areas were covered, whether actions taken were sufficient in number and nature, and whether overall efforts produced the expected results.
I was trying to avoid using the modal "should" too many times in the same sentence. The same applies to the second example.
Your help would be greatly appreciated!