Should you use past simple or present simple in reported speech if the reporting verb is in the past, but the action JUST happened.
Scenario: You just got off the phone with someone. Your friend who's right next to you looks at you and ask you "what did she want? " you answer: " She told me she loved me" OR "She told me she loves me".
I'm pretty mixed-up about this. I know it should be the former, and I should stick with tense consistency, but somehow I feel like the latter better conveys that the information/ action: 1. just happened (handful of seconds ago, you've hardly gotten off the phone) 2. Is still true
I mean if say the person in question had given you the call in the morning, I'd definitely use "She told me she loved me" . But in this case I'm pretty bewildered, and my take is that both are fine by and large.
Which is "more" correct and what would YOU use?