I was looking for the definition of "brimming" and I found it "To be abundantly filled or supplied" And those examples on it A monument brimming with tourists. Workers brimming with pride. according to thefreedictionary.com My question: Is "Brim + ing" a verb or a noun?


1 Answer 1


a monument brimming with tourists.

workers brimming with pride.

"Brimming" is a verb. It has none of the properties of indisputable nouns, e.g. it can't take a determiner (* the brimming), and nor can it be modified by an adjective (* big brimming"), but it can be modified by adverbs (which can't modify nouns), e.g. seriously / happily brimming with pride.

In your examples brimming with tourists / pride is a gerund-participial clause modifying monument / workers. The meaning is similar to the relative clauses ... which is brimming with tourists / ... who are brimming with pride

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