Is "specific" an antonym of "unspecified“?
I ask because in some cases I feel it is so, but not always.
Is "specific" an antonym of "unspecified“?
I ask because in some cases I feel it is so, but not always.
Not necessarily. They have opposing implications but "a specific item" can be "unspecified". For instance, you may be required to insert Item A into Slot B. "Item A" is a specific item in the instructions but what "Item A" corresponds to in your bag of parts may be unspecified.
By corollary, an unspecific item can be specified. "Insert a rod into Slot B". Which rod? It specified to insert a rod, not a tube or something else, but it left unspecified which rod.
Anyway, "yes and no" is about as specific an answer you'll get here.