An answerer gives an example

If I won a million dollars I could buy a Ferrari.

and explains

"would" and "could" can't be interchanged. That doesn't mean I necessarily am going to buy a Ferrari, it's just an option. If I said "If I won a million dollars I would buy a Ferrari", I mean that I necessarily am going to buy a Ferrari. I will buy a Ferrari.

I could have said

If "would" and "could" are interchanged, the meaning changes ...


If "would" and "could" are interchanged with each other, the meaning changes ...

The last 2 sentences are my own version. I am concerned with whether the first is grammatical. If it is, is the second a bit wordy?

In other words, is "with each other" required, optional or unnecessary in this context?

Not important but necessary:

I've looked that up on Cambridge Dictionary and Collins and didn't got an answer.

  • Questions about answers... In the subjunctive, when you say "If ... I could buy X" it means "able to buy": can...could. When you say "If ... I would buy X" it means "intend to buy": will...would. The words could and would are both OK but they mean different things because they come from different verbs. Commented Mar 23, 2020 at 13:15
  • @WeatherVane Are you asking some questions to me or just make some supplement to my OP?
    – WXJ96163
    Commented Mar 23, 2020 at 13:19
  • I misunderstood the complicated question. The phrase "with each other" is unnecessary, because that is what "interchanged" means. Commented Mar 23, 2020 at 13:31

1 Answer 1


It is correct (it's just passive voice). The sentence:

"If "would" and "could" are interchanged, the meaning changes."

is just the passive voice equivalent of:

"If I interchange "would" and "could", the meaning changes."

where most generic personal pronouns could be used depending on context.




"interchanged with each other"

both yield grammatically correct sentences. Furthermore you can safely drop the extra verbiage without losing information or confusing the reader.

  • Thanks for your answer. Did you noticed the question "In other words, is "with each other" required, optional or unnecessary in this context" in my OP?
    – WXJ96163
    Commented Mar 23, 2020 at 13:33
  • @WXJ96163 See my EDIT1 Commented Mar 23, 2020 at 13:42

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