TL;DR: If you take pictures of yourself, then the number is you, whereas the figures/digits are the pictures.
It is related to the difference between a number and the representation of a number.
A number is a quantity, it is an abstract mathematical entity. It can be represented by many ways. For instance, the quantity of water molecules in a pond may be written 45,584,123,589, or x for an arbitrary constant in an equation, or a distance or graduations on a ruler.
Digits, figures and numerals, as of their primary definition, are related to the representation of numbers. Roman numerals are I, V, X, C, D, M. Modern western numerals ("arabic" numerals) are 0, 1, 2, …, 9. They are text symbols for representing numbers. XIV and 14 are different representations of the same number. Digits (latin for "fingers") are specifically the ten symbols 0, 1, 2, …, 9.
However, as a secondary definition, figure is a synonym for numbers, and digits is a synonym for the numbers 0 to 9. This is a common figure of speech named a metonymy. It is also used in other languages such as French (figures = chiffres, numbers = nombres). Example: instead of writing "the latest numbers (statistics) from Mediametrics were released this Wednesday", people often write "the latest figures".