The name is known to me. (a medium level of knowing) - OK
The name is familiar to me. (a high level of knowing) - OK
The name sounds known to me.(it seems that is a medium level of knowing) - OK
The name sounds familiar to me. (it seems that is a high level of knowing) - ???
I know that "it sounds familiar" is a common expression but I can't understand its logic if we know the difference between "is familiar" - it's true - and "sounds familiar" - it seems it's true. So, how it might be logically that we use "The name sounds familiar to me."? Because, if we try to analyze those words one after another, it looks like: It seems that the name has a high level of knowing for us. And that looks illogically because I can understand "The name sounds known to me." [maybe, they mix up it] but not "The name sounds familiar to me." [because how could they mix up the well-known name?].