What is the meaning of the 'ride out the clock'?
Sol: Some things there’s no good way to do. How do I tell the woman I’ve loved for forty years that I can’t be with her if I want to be happy?
FRANKIE: You don’t! Ride out the clock! Stay miserable. I’ve got news for you: the next chapter ain’t that long. (then, realizing) Wait. Is this why you got the Cialis??
I could not find it in any dictionary, but one of the sites says
"ride out the clock means to wait until there is no time left".
How does it come to have that meaning? Is that an idiom?
It is in the drama Grace and Frankie, https://tvwriting.co.uk/tv_scripts/Collections/Comedy/Grace_and_Frankie/Grace_and_Frankie_1x01_-_The_End.pdf
Thank you very much.