When we are talking about an exam or end-of-term test in mathematics, is it more common to describe the main parts of a problem set as:
- Tasks
- Exercises
- Questions
- Problems
and what is the proper name for the subproblems? I have little idea of how the distribution of the usage of those various words in this regard is, and if there is a choice of words that is more idiomatic or prevalent throughout the native speaker communities. Is there a difference between US-English and British-English too?
Any clarifications or discussions about the usage of any of the suggested words above or other words describing the same are very welcome, indeed!
CONTEXT: I teach mathematics at an international line of the Danish so-called Gymnasium (upper secondary level). And I am trying to converge on a standard usage of the English so that we do not invent local mal-practices, but it is quite difficult at times since I still have a lot of uncertainties above specific words myself.