Part of the theme tune of the 1990s cartoon series Animaniacs has these words:
We're Animaniacs!
We have pay-or-play contracts.
We're zany to the max
There's baloney in our slacks.
I do not understand the meaning of that latter line. What makes matters worse is that some sources indicate that the line contains a double-meaning (innuendo) and I don’t understand that either.
I’m led to understand that baloney has two meanings: nonsense, and some kind of sausage. Slack, furthermore, has many possible meanings.
The on-screen imagery accompanying this line is the following:
This seems to take the line literally: they throw slices of baloney (the sausage) into Yakko’s slack (the textile oversize). But this makes no sense to me whatsoever.
So, my questions are:
- Why this particular type of sausage, why would anyone want to put sausage in their pants, and why is this funny?
- What is the innuendo/double-meaning that I’m missing?