I stumbled onto this word in commentaries in some of Onegin and Nabokov's works. I can't find any definition of it in any dictionary.
This "sustained" comparison between music and champagne, with its disparaging closule, does not really differ much from the "suspended" one between cham- pagne and "this and that,"
-- Onegin
And finally, the lovely closule:
Had it lived long it would have been
Lilies without, roses withincontains in our lady's French not only a solecism but also that kind of illegal run-on which a translator is guilty of, when passing a stop sign:
Il aurait été, s'il eut longtemps
Vécu, lys dehors, roses dedans.-- Nabokov's Pale Fire.
Sources :
http://www.24grammata.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Nabokov-Pale-Fire-24grammata.com_.pdf Page 143
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