I'm looking for a word to fill in the blank.

Symptoms are inauspicious ______ that might be caused by the induced sensations. But they can also be a sign of a latent or a manifest disease.

Would occurrences or events be considered appropriate?

The following words are not to be used:

  • manifestation
  • indication
  • indicator
  • sign
  • mark
  • feature
  • trait;
  • 1
    Nothing here makes sense. What is an induced sensation that could cause a symptom? Commented Jul 6, 2019 at 2:26
  • That would take too long to describe. Let's imagine that a certain practice or agent induces certain sensations in the body, for example meditation or drugs. These induced sensations are different from the symptoms one might experience.
    – JoHKa
    Commented Jul 6, 2019 at 2:33
  • 1
    Well, given that the sentence itself doesn't make any sense to me, I'm unable to comment on what particular additional word should be added to it. And I don't follow your comment either. Surely, induced or not, sensations are still things that are experienced. Otherwise they wouldn't be called sensations. Nor do I see how a sensation (of any kind) could cause something. Sensations are themselves symptoms . . . Commented Jul 6, 2019 at 2:56
  • 1
    I agree with the other comments, the other words used in the passage are quite fuzzy. You should provide the context - where this text comes from and what it is about. I would guess that it is about some alternative medicine practice where the words "symptom", "sensation" and others may have meanings somewhat different than usual. I tried to answer the question without context, but it is just guess. Commented Jul 6, 2019 at 9:31
  • 1
    I'm voting to close this question as off-topic as a gaming question. It is not possible to answer when arbitary rules about which words are "not permitted" are set.
    – James K
    Commented Dec 9, 2019 at 20:40

3 Answers 3


I think "features" is best; "traits" could also work. I would avoid the rest, because they are rarely used without further qualifications. (E.g. if you used "manifestations", I would automatically think "manifestations of what?")


A word that can be used to fill in the blank is "responses".


It sounds like you're trying to say

  • Symptoms = X

  • X can be caused by induced sensations

  • OR X can be be sign of disease.

X isn't needed unless your reader/listener doesn't know the definition of symptom.
Symptom is a basic enough word that If the reader doesn't know what it is he/she can consult a dictionary.

Symptoms are inauspicious ______ that might be caused by the induced sensations. But they can also be a sign of a latent or a manifest disease.

Symptoms might be caused by the induced sensations. But they can also be a sign of a latent or a manifest disease.

You can also provide examples this way if what you're really trying to do is narrow down the number of symptoms the reader/writer should be thinking about:

Symptoms such as X, Y, Z might be caused by the induced sensations. But they can also be a sign of a latent or a manifest disease.

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