Sure, guy is sometimes used to refer to inanimate stuff, at least in some dialects.
The Dialect blog says:
The last time I discussed the word ‘guy,’ a generic term meaning ‘man,’ I mentioned a rather fascinating way in which the word has evolved in American dialects. ‘Guy’ has come to become synonymous, in some situations, with ‘thing.’ For example, rather than asking someone to pass the frying pan, you might ask,
‘Could you pass me that guy over there?’
My dialect of American English has both this sense of guy and also gender neutral “(you) guys”, but the latter is much more common.
Here’s another definition of inanimate guy from Urban Dictionary:
A word that can be used instead of any noun. Especially helpful when for some reason you can't quickly remember the names of things.
Can you grab that guy over there? I need to light this guy.
In my experience inanimate guy is almost exclusively used in speech with gestures so it’s hard to find examples online.