I found this sentence in an English leaning material:

The temperature needs to be 220 at the minimum or else the turkey won’t fully cook.

The subject of the latter half is ‘turkey’. Do we need to use passive voice in here:

or else the turkey won’t be fully cooked?

Thank you in advance.

1 Answer 1


No, we don't need to. Both versions are OK, I think, although I would prefer the original. If we say be fully cooked we are describing the (end) state of the turkey, whereas fully cook focuses on the process of cooking.

It is acceptable to use the verb cook intransitively, that is "the turkey cooks", rather than "the oven cooks the turkey". Likewise we can say the water boils, the cake rises, the soup thickens, the glazing browns, rather than having to say the heat boils the water, the heat thickens the soup, etc.

  • The cake rises is a different case, because rise cannot be transitive (at least, in my version of English). There is a causitive raise; but it is not used in this sense: we can't say The oven raised the cake, "self-raising flour" notwithstanding.
    – Colin Fine
    Commented Mar 12, 2020 at 22:43

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