
"_____ the malfunctions of dishwasher are due to defects or low-quality material is still being investigated."

I don't know should I choose "Whether" or "While" to fit into the space. The answer is "While", but I don't see it's a perfect answer, and I don't understand why I cannot use whether. Is it because that both of two reasons (defects and low-quality material) are possible?


1 Answer 1


The actual answer is whether, it is defined as:

used to introduce the first of two or more alternative conditions


In this sentence, you have two alternative conditions: defects and low quality of material

Therefore, whether would be appropriate. As a native speaker, while sounds incorrect and should not be used.

  • Got it! Thank you!
    – Rila
    Commented May 3, 2020 at 11:27
  • @Rila welcome, if i helped please press the tick next to my answer, it helps others with a similar question
    – user109564
    Commented May 3, 2020 at 11:29

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