I found a sentence in the Reader's Choice (5th Edition, by Sandra Silberstein, Barbara K. Dobson and Mark A. Clarke) that has three items connected by "and"s in it:

These efforts can assure the survival of wildlife that otherwise would not continue to exist. I also may be that tourism can help strengthen local cultures by encouraging awareness of traditions and ceremonies. Historic building thrive on tourism. These cultural locations enjoy great success with the money and attention and respect brought by tourism.

Which one, in the following, is a better or (more) correct way to parse the relationship of the three things and why?

A. "with the (money and attention and respect) brought by tourism"
B. "with {the money and (attention and respect)} brought by tourism"
C. "with {(the money and attention) and respect} brought by tourism"
D. "enjoy {(great success with the money) and (attention and respect)} brought by tourism"
E. OR any other syntax scan.

Grammatically, 'X & Y & Z' should be "X, Y, and Z'. However, the definition of "and" as a conjunction from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary is:

When "and" is used in common phrases connecting two things or people that are closely linked, the determiner is not usually repeated before the second.

But this sentence has "THREE" things.

What do you think about that?

  • 3
    You only need one 'and' - These cultural locations enjoy great success with the money, attention, and respect brought by tourism." Commented Apr 4, 2021 at 11:39
  • Which one is the coRRect syntax? OR the original sentence I quoted is incorrect?
    – T.K.Tommy
    Commented Apr 4, 2021 at 14:13
  • 1
    You can emphasize something in English using two ands between three items. I like swimming and sailing and surfing. That is just fine, as a sentence.
    – Lambie
    Commented Apr 4, 2021 at 15:05

1 Answer 1


Three things contribute independently to the great success: money, attention, respect.

I think the use of "with" here awkward.

I think poorly written sentences are not good ones for practicing how to parse English.

  • > I think the use of "with" here awkward. - What is a better/best preposition instead "with"? >I think poorly written sentences are not good ones for practicing how to parse English. - Then, how do I need to change?
    – T.K.Tommy
    Commented Apr 5, 2021 at 5:27

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