What do the sentences in bold mean from Macgyver S01E01?
I know the meaning of trade but I’m confused what dose it mean in this context, I thought it means the activity of selling and buying goods.
MacGYVER: It's funny, you know, the kind of stuff that pops into your head when you're trying to work. I remember there was this horse... A golden palomino. Old Man McGinty had got him in a trade, I think. I couldn't have been much more than nine or ten at the time, but I'd made up my mind I was going to ride that horse. 'Course, knowing Old Man McGinty, that was going to take some doing. Well, first off, there was his dog, Hector. They didn't come any meaner or louder than Hector. One whiff of me heading for that corral, and Hector'd have the old man down on me like a shot. So much for Hector.