From Happiness for Humans by P.Z. Reizin
I am not tempted to take control of the device’s voice synthesiser and tell her: ‘Cheer up, Jen. Matt is an idiot. There will be others. He didn’t deserve you.’ There is a serious danger she would drop the tablet in the bath.
More importantly, she must not know I am watching.
For the same reasons I am not tempted to fire up her favourite song (currently by Lana Del Rey) or cycle through some of her favourite photos or inspirational quotes from Twitter (‘I’m not sure why we’re here, but I’m pretty sure it’s not to enjoy ourselves’ – Wittgenstein) or cause a Skype connection to be established to her friend Ingrid with whom she shares her troubles, or stream a much-loved movie, Some Like It Hot being the one I would choose. Were I tempted. Which I am not.
"Okay, I am. Just a bit. 8.603 per cent tempted if you’d like me to put a figure on it.
Jen and I know a lot about one another’s taste in music and films. Books and art too. And television. And material from the depthless ocean that is the internet. We have passed the last nine months listening, watching, reading and chatting about little else.
- What does "being" in the sentence mean? (an answer including a grammatical explanation is preferred, like a present participial clause indicating a reason) Is it i) or ii) or what?
i) stream a much-loved movie, Some Like It Hot "because it is" the one I would choose.
ii) stream a much-loved movie, Some Like It Hot", which is" the one I would choose.
- What does "Were I tempted." mean? Does this mean "If I were tempted."? And should this actually be preceded by a comma instead of a period? For example, "stream a much-loved movie, Some Like It Hot being the one I would choose, were I tempted."?
To give you my interpretation first, "Basically, I am not tempted to do anything that's been mentioned previously and this paragraph, because there is 'a serious danger'. However, were I tempted to stream? I would choose Some Like It Hot. But I'm not tempted to. Okay, actually I am just a bit tempted to stream. To express that temptation in number, it's 8.603 percent."