I'm working on a game to learn English, and grappling with the best way to organize the course. It would be great to hear from people what they've liked when using other apps.
I guess there are a few approaches:
by difficulty level split grammar up by level. eg start with "simple past" and move to causative or passive until later. same for all other grammar types
by grammar grouping eg verbs / noun forms / modals / pronouns ... and the various sub-types of each. modals of advice/requests/ability would be a subtopic of "modals" etc.
by random grouping group topics together that fit well together, to make lessons with more flow and variety. eg put conditionals and comparatives together, so you can teach something like "If you pick the largest one..."
I built a site for learning Japanese (JGram.org) and the grammar there is much smaller chunks. For example this list of "level 2" items: http://jgram.org/pages/viewList.php?lv=2
has patterns like "despite / just / it seems / because / without / it's decided " ... These are more like useful one-off sentence patterns, not quite idioms or phrases, but I'm wondering if there's any way to organize those types of items at a higher level?
If there's a better forum for this type of question, I'd love to know, otherwise any comments appreciated!