Is there a short word in English for some small device or part, which the speaker has no idea what it is really called?
I mean something more sophisticated and humorous word or phrase that saying 'that something'.
Is there a short word in English for some small device or part, which the speaker has no idea what it is really called?
I mean something more sophisticated and humorous word or phrase that saying 'that something'.
I like thingamajig, thingamabob or whatchamacallit.
One word to use is whatchamacallit. See e.g. the Wikipedia entry or the Wiktionary entry.
I've never seen it in written text, but I've heard people use it and used it myself.
Example sentence: Can you pass me the whatchamacallit?, I've lost my whatchamacallit, etc.
Compare Dutch dinges, French truc.
The most general word for "thing I don't know the name for" is "thing". There are lots of informal variations on it - "thingy", "thingamajig", "thingamabob", etc., and lots of semi-nonsensical words like "doohicky", "whatchamacallit" (a corruption of "what do you call it"), etc.
The potential problem with all of these is it kind of rubs it in your audience's face that you don't know what it's called. "Hand me that... thing." It comes off weak and uninformed.
Three safer options are "bit" (slightly informal), "part" (most general, formal), and "component".
(For that matter, you could even use "one". "Hand me that one.")