There are several texts below and made a bold mark on the [Verb it that] sequence. What I am interested is whether there is a idiom-like meaning between [Verb it that] sequence. If not, what does pronoun it refer to in each sentence..?
"No. But it was afraid it might have sinned . '' She pointed at me.
"That is your fault, for teaching it that sexual behavior is sinful. But, physiologically, sexual contact between solcetaceans isalways pleasurable for all parties involved."
All her life Marilyn " Trish " Robinson Ringell suffered from severe asthma. As a teenager she had to take such strong medicine to control it that it would make her slim, just-over-100-pound body so hyperactive that she felt shewas coming out of her skin.
I don't know. I don't question it that stuff keeps on coming back.
she shut her eyes and chewed the meat of my psyche and refused to let go until it thundered. She dug it that I took her to Chez Police, and her digging went down through multiplestrata.
I think that it is important when the most powerful country in the world looks at an international organization that we need to have somebody that's heading it that we believe is suitable to take it into a dynamic new age.
It is here on Moresby Island and the small islands that flank it that the remains of the ancient Haida culture are most evident. The whole southernhalf of the archipelago, called Gwaii Haanas, is a Haida Heritage Site.
In this particular speech without any reference to what his record was -- and we can certainly talk about that -- he attacked Bush on the war on terrorism and that he's conducting it that it's undermining domestic freedom.