I have a question about the usage of the verb "pass". According to definition 3 of this dictionary for "pass":

def 3. to be successful in an examination or test by achieving a satisfactory standard

, which suggests that "pass" in this context should only be used with "test", "exam", or "quiz". But then, I found this:

If you do not pass the Entry Level Writing Requirement, you will need to demonstrate a minimum proficiency in composition through course work.

A "requirement" is certainly not a "test". So, is the example sentence an error? Would this rewrite:

If you do not satisfy the Entry Level Writing Requirement,...

be better?

1 Answer 1


No, you shouldn’t stick to only that definition. The word pass means that you can go past or across many things including the Entry Level Writing Requirement.

Nevertheless your replacement with satisfy is fine too but you can also use some other versions such as:

to meet

to comply with

All of them convey a similar general idea.

  • But is "pass a requirement" wrong?
    – meatie
    Commented Jul 7, 2015 at 7:05
  • 1
    @meatie, no it's not wrong, it's fine. Commented Jul 7, 2015 at 7:07

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