Could someone please help me with this sentence? I’m having problem with deciding if it’s it should be plural or singular.

I have a blue and red car.


I have a blue and red cars.

Which one is correct? I think it should be car and not cars as we are only talking about one unit.


1 Answer 1


In your example, you will want to use the singular, I believe you are trying to say

I have a blue car and a red car.
I have a blue and a red car.
I have two cars, one is red and one is blue

The article "a" distinguishes the two different cars.

However, your example

I have a blue and red car.

can mean you have one car and it has blue and red coloring.

I have blue and red cars.

means you have at least one blue car and at least one red car, but may have several of each.

  • The general answer under the link given in comments, english.stackexchange.com/questions/221331/… , is that you can't say "I have a blue and a red car", and should say "I have a blue car and a red one". Isn't it?
    – Joce
    Commented Sep 29, 2021 at 21:28

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