Let's break down the scene:
Researcher: If you look at the data, you will see that women are
going nuts for punctuation.
The phrase "going nuts" can either mean that someone is very angry and may be hitting, smashing, throwing things or hurting others, but it could also mean that someone really likes something; that they are enthusiastic about something. In this case, the word that is key is the word "for" after the phrase "going nuts." That usually means that this is the excited use of the phrase. Some examples of people being excited would be:
- I go nuts for chocolate ice cream!
- The crowd went nuts after their team scored a goal.
As for the angry use of the phrase:
- After being kicked in the face, John went nuts.
- The crowd went nuts after their team was scored on.
The confusing thing is the sentences about the crowds. If a team scores a goal, the crowd of the winning team will go nuts (they are jumping up and down and celebrating), while the crowd of the losing team will go nuts (they are angry, shouting, kicking things over). It all depends on the context of the rest of the sentence.
In the show, the researcher is trying to help the man text a woman. So, he suggests he use punctuation. The funny part is, he suggests too many exclamation marks, so much so that the text would make the man come off like he is shouting at her (which is not what the man wants).
A woman: That is true.
Researcher: Exclamation points, in particular. I would... I would
suggest 50.
General : Fifty? So now we're screaming at her?
Sidenote: I think I found a new show to watch :)