It also represents a symbolic end to Russia's often tortured process of addressing the repressions of the Soviet era.

What does “adressing” mean here? I’ve looked it up in several dictionaries, and cannot decide which one actually fits the context here.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

1 Answer 1


The verb to address as used in your example has the meaning of to begin to deal with an issue or problem (see meaning #4 along with examples in the Macmillan English Dictionary). To make the point clearer, let's rewrite your sentence substituting addressing with the meaning that I just described:

It also represents a symbolic end to Russia's often tortured process of beginning to deal with the problem of the repressions of the Soviet era.

  • 1
    Michael, nice answer! +1
    – user69307
    Commented Apr 16, 2018 at 5:34
  • 2
    Thanks, it’s so kind of you to give such a complete answer! I actually cannot wait to accept your perfect answer, but the system wouldn’t let me and told me I can do it in 1 minute. : )
    – Math
    Commented Apr 16, 2018 at 5:36

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