I have the following excerpt:
Closure to girls is a basis to be unattractive to you. They can`t be more invested and just let go. They need something to support letting go.
Here is how I understand it:
If I will close myself to a girl she will become unattracted to me. Because she won`t be able to continue our relationships(the same as absence of investment) and she won`t be able to just left me, since there would be no reason for doing this.
Do I understand the excerpt written above correctly? I am not asking you to help me understand the relevance of what is said in the excerpt I just would like to get the point of the excerpt meaning from the language as a tool for information convey perspective.
The part with which I struggle the most in the excerpt is the word closure. I really can not guess what it could refer to except being unavailable to a woman, i.e close yourself to her.