I could not understand the implication in this sentence, especially the "piecrust collars and smell of horse". I am totally lost! Could anyone help please?

The context is :

Will (a quadriplegic in wheelchair) and I (his carer) are going to the wedding of Will's ex-girlfriend, who is going to marry Will's former best friend. It's obvious I don't want him to go to the wedding, because I was worried for him. Nathan is Will's medical carer.

The sentence is :

……and there was Will, in a dark suit and a cornflower-blue shirt with a tie. He was clean-shaven, and carried a faint tan on his face. The shirt made his eyes look peculiarly vivid. They seemed, suddenly, to carry a glint of the sun.

‘Not bad,’ I said—because, weirdly, I didn’t want to say how handsome he actually looked. ‘She’ll certainly be sorry she’s marrying that braying bucket of lard, anyway.’

Will raised his eyes heavenwards. ‘Nathan, do we have everything in the bag?’

‘Yup. All set and ready to go.’ He turned to Will. ‘No snogging the bridesmaids, now.’

‘As if he’d want to,’ I said. ‘They’ll all be wearing piecrust collars and smell of horse.’

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

1 Answer 1


In the 1980s and later, blouses or dresses with a 'pie crust' collar were popular among young women of the British upper class. There is a stereotype that such women spend a lot of time riding horses. The carer is speaking disparagingly of the social background of the bridesmaids.

enter image description here

  • ha, that's why. I was wondering why the style has anything to do with horse . thank you so much:)
    – user86301
    Commented Jan 14, 2019 at 3:29

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