I had mugged up a rule that we should not use prepositions like '' in '', '' on '' and at before some words like '' Last'', '' every'', this and so on, but I found a sentence recently; 1) Do you know how Indian Media have curbed ''in'' the last five years.

Should we use '' in'' here? If so, what is the exception ? let me know pls. thank you in advance!

  • Do we know how India Media curbed what in the last five years? With the sentence structure as it is, that's the transitive use of the verb curb. (She curbed her curiosity. Curb your enthusiasm.) But the object of the verb is missing. Commented Apr 28, 2019 at 7:34
  • As for the question itself, I travelled to Paris three times in the last five years. It's grammatical and natural to use in with such a construction. Commented Apr 28, 2019 at 7:37

1 Answer 1

  • In every case of a rule of English grammar, one can find an exception.
  • She was on her last legs.
  • On every well-set table there will be a napkin.
  • At last, I have found the correct rule.

In short, I don't think the suggested rule is in fact a rule.

Do you know how Indian Media have curbed in the last five years.

Does sound a bit odd, I would have written

Do you know how the Indian media have been curbed in the last five years.

But perhaps there is a usage of "curbed" in Indian English different from the usage in US English.

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