Sentence 1: I'll go wherever you will go.
Sentence 2: Wherever you go, I'll be with you.
Do the above sentences sound natural?
Thank you very much
These kinds of sentences (with 'if', 'when', 'where', 'whenever', 'wherever' etc) usually have one will or 'll - and that is attached to the half of the sentence without the 'if', 'when', 'wherever' - even though the idea of 'will' is there in the other half of the sentence.
Your sentence 1 contains 'll in the first half of the sentence and will in the second. Yes, you will go to many places, but standard English says 'I'll go wherever you go'.
Your sentence 2 is standard English - there is one 'll (in the second half of the sentence).
Many ESL students say and write things like 'I'll go wherever you will go', and it is clear and easily understandable (I sometimes refer to it as a 'good mistake'). Some native English speakers or writers may also say or write it, but it is much rarer than 'wherever you go' (Google Ngram here).