“And” can be used to make lists of anything, so long as they are parallel.
Writing is very much a process* of recording ideas, of preparing to share those ideas, and of following through.
Writing is very much a process of recording ideas, preparing to share those ideas, and following through.
A list of prepositional phrases is probably less conventional than a prepositional phrase where the object is a list, and so tends to set off each item. That can be rhetorically useful if you are trying to say “this important thing and this other, also-important thing, plus this third very important thing” — as opposed to “this big undifferentiated collection of things”.
Compare the different stress here:
Writing is very much a process of recording ideas, a process of preparing to share those ideas, and a process of following through.
This emphasizes the multifaceted nature of writing, rather than framing it as a neat series of steps.
* “Processing” in your original quote is a typo. It should be “process”.