Situation in the movie - 'Blended' (2014)

woman yet to come to meeting place for blind date. man has just arrived and ordered dishes. and in a minute woman finally arrived.

Man: (staring on TV) Got you, uh, Buffalo shrimp with the sauce on the side. They'll do that for me here. I didn't know how you took it so...

Woman: You realize that you're not actually looking at my face right now.


  1. What does " Got you" means in that sentence ?

  2. what does "it" and "so" indicate as in "how you took it so" ? It doesn't make sense the whold meaning as well.

  3. what does "on the side" means as in "with the sauce on the side?

  4. " You realize ~~ " means "you will be realizing soon" ? how can 'a declarative sentence indicate imperative nuance?

1 Answer 1


He has ordered the shrimp for her, with the sauce served separately in case she doesn't like sauce on her shrimps. He doesn't know 'how she takes it' (the dish) - with sauce or without. "So..." just means "so I didn't order them with sauce poured over".

"You realize" is just an informal way of asking "Do you realize...?"

  • thank you for your help!
    – James
    Commented Sep 17, 2022 at 11:49

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