This is from a native speaker's telling about some of the things done by the officers after his car run into a deer which suddenly ran out onto the road. The man could not stop or swerve and had to crash the deer.
"So they they walked around the car and looked at the damage and took down my information, asked me a couple of simple questions, like where did you hit the deer? How far back was the deer? that sort of thing." BritishAmerican speaker telling about his car accident (see:5:10-5:12)
The question "How far back was the deer?" caught my attention. The man ran into the deer because it was in front of the car, not the at back of the car when he saw the deer. So, you would expect a question like "How far was the deer? Or How far down the road was the deer when you saw it?
So, why did they say "How far back ......"?