What is the difference between these two sentences?

I started this blog for communicating with other country's people.
I started this blog to communicate with other country's people.

1 Answer 1


With some corrections...

I started this blog for communicating with another country's people.

Here for communicating describes the purpose of the blog.

I started this blog to communicate with another country's people.

Here to communicate describes the reason you started the blog.

I would say the second example is more natural, though both would be understood OK. Either may be better, depending on context.

  • 2
    Would it be possible for us to suggest rephrasing of the original sentences to add a much more descriptive way to say "another country's people" ? If so, then I would like to suggest the use of "People from other countries", "An international audience", "People from around the world", etc etc.
    – Tushar
    Commented Oct 17, 2014 at 5:40

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