Chong Wei's B sample being tested, faces agonising wait for result.

What does the "being" means in the sentence above? Is it means the sample is still testing?

Reference: thestar.com.my


1 Answer 1


Yes, it means that the sample is currently undergoing testing while Chong Wei waits.

It's a good example of journalism-ese. News editors (even in the age of the internet) often need to shorten or abbreviate a statement so that it can fit into a given amount of space. In this case the shortening is quite severe, so much so that someone unfamiliar with the story has a hard time figuring out what it is about.

In proper English this would be:

Chong Wei's B sample is being tested; until the result is released, he faces an agonizing wait.

  • Even in the 'corrected' version, it's hard to understand to a layman because "B sample" means nothing >_<
    – Doc
    Commented Nov 9, 2014 at 6:46
  • @Doc He had two samples, presumably, A and B. They tested A and found something suspicious, now they're testing B for confirmation. Commented Nov 9, 2014 at 14:48

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