Thomas Erdbrink, a journalist, in his news article "Power Struggle Is Gripping Iran Ahead of June" published on The New York Times uses a phrase which actracts me: with only months.
With only months to go in his last presidential term, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has surprised many of his critics by challenging a coalition of traditionalists.
Searching for "with 'X' months to" structures I came across several cases in which the month number is specified,
The “right to die” will apply only to those with six months to live or less.
With less than two months to live, John Doe teaches students about cancer and dying.
or in which "a few" is used,
[...] because he had been diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer with only a few months to live.
While examples above are clearly understandable, "with only months" is less, albeit that phrase has several hits on Google Search.
A trivial question, which I don't want to ask, could be "How many months does "only" mean?"
Insead I want to ask if that phrase is grammatical and if "only" can be used as a quantifier before countable nouns in plural form. Is it?
All the sentences are quoted from The New York Times.