When a specific date is used as subject or object (instead of time adverbial), should I use present tense, or tense based on the date, or tense based on other context?
For example,
Today is 4/17. 4/7 ____ 10 days ago.
Today is 4/17. 4/27 ____ 10 days ahead.
I am under an impression that 'was' is correct for #1, but for #2 'will be' sounds strange to me.
When the date is used as the object, it is even more confusing to me:
The deadline ____ 4/7, which ____ 10 days ago.
The deadline ____ 4/27, which ____ 10 days ahead.
Again I have a feeling that for #3 I should use 'was' because the subject (the deadline) is something happened in the past, however, for #4 using 'will be' suggests the deadline is not yet finalized at the time the statement was made.
Enlighten me please!