Jeff Kramer: Got any green beans?

Counter Help: Sure do. Nice and fresh. Do you want mashed potato or French fries?


I guess in the above context "Got" means "Do you have". Am I right? If so, is that usage of "Got" common in English?

And I think in the above context "Sure do" means "Sure we do". Am I right?

2 Answers 2


Got as used in your example is very commonly used in AmE, it has the meaning do you have

A very famous ad campaign by the US dairy industry used the tag line

Got milk?

Sure do means of course we do or you can bet we do, its feeling is a bit more playful and informal than a business like yes we do

The combination of got and sure do would possibly place this conversation in the Midwest region of the US.

Got also has the meaning of understand

P1: Did you get what he said?
P2: Yeah, I got it.

means yes I understood what he said. This meaning is in common usage today and was used extensively by the est movement in the 1970's.

All these examples are very colloquial and common plain speak.

  • 1
    This is correct, but it's worth pointing out for the ELL audience that this usage is very informal, and not appropriate for things like thesis papers.
    – The Photon
    Commented Jan 1, 2016 at 17:56
  • @ThePhoton +1 have edited my answer to add an example and include your comment
    – Peter
    Commented Jan 2, 2016 at 14:59

It's a colloquial omission.
The question is Have you got any green beans?

Do you have any....? or Have any...? are also possible.

Colloquial omissions are often used in English. Other examples include:

1 (Do you) Need a hand?
2 (Have you) Been looking for this?
3 (I) Can't do it.

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