Losing your social inhibitions does not mean you will all of a sudden go berserk and start doing crazy things against your will; it is the other way around. When you are uninhibited, you are in true control of yourself, but when you are inhibited, you are not. While this does not mean you will automatically go wild, it does mean that if you really want to do something wild, there will no longer be an invisible barrier blocking you inside your mind. You will no longer be struggling with yourself like a lunatic. You will have full control of yourself for a change; you will be less affected by whatever your upbringing has forced onto you. And when the crowd starts going wild, you have the ability to step aside without mindlessly following along, unlike a member of the crowd
I've searched on Internet and find that "go berserk" means "to go crazy" and "go wild" means "to get very excited", but I still feel hard to understand them in this paragraph? Does they have another meaning? Can anyone explain it? Thank!