I've translated sentence
'Life is aimless.'
using a dictionary. But the first what came on my mind was
'Life is finishless.'
But I haven't found anything on internet, it seems almost like no one else had this idea before.
I've translated sentence
'Life is aimless.'
using a dictionary. But the first what came on my mind was
'Life is finishless.'
But I haven't found anything on internet, it seems almost like no one else had this idea before.
It is quite easy in the English language to create words, following some patterns, especially by adding suffixes: -ish, -y, -less, -ness, -hood etc.
However, these words are not proper English when they are not documented in the dictionaries. They are sometimes used by people in speech, when they (the people) do not find the proper word quickly, in order to be able to continue speaking - and be understood by the other person(s).
- Life is
can be rewritten with another proper word instead of "finishless":
- Life is endless.
However, the meaning of sentence 2 is radically different from the meaning of sentence 3 below:
- Life is aimless.
A similar meaning with 3 has sentence 4:
- Life is pointless.
English is very flexible, yet it's better not to create new words and use synonyms instead. You can add 'less' to most anything you want and it will be understood in most cases but it's something not common and something you've just come up with.
As you can see I've used words that don't exist in English, yet I guess 99% will understand me.
You could say: trueless, eatless, pieceless, getless, goneless and e.t.c and in most cases many people would understand you through context but it isn't good to do so. Yet, many sci-fiction writers did so.